Dry Rug Ribs on Bge Easy Dry Ribs on Bge

These baby back ribs were so good and I cannot wait to share this recipe with you. Having a little knowledge about this cut and in turn how to cook it can go a long way. Ultimately, you need patience and time for these to turn out amazing. Back ribs (or loin ribs) come from the top of the pig's rib cage and sit just below the pork loin (thus the name loin ribs). They are shorter and fatter than their counterparts Spare ribs. As with any cut of meat you plan to smoke, knowing the mass and density of the meat is important. Ribs are a much smaller cut and leaner so to cook them right you need a lower temperature and longer time. I will walk you through my process below and explain the steps along the way. Now sit back, grab an ice cold IPA, and enjoy this post for Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Ingredients for this recipe are simple: yellow mustard, BBQ rub, and of course the baby back ribs!

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Trim any excess fat and remove the membrane from the bone side of the ribs.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Apply a small amount of mustard as a binder for the BBQ rub then generously season the front and back of the ribs with the rub. For this cook, I used one of my favorite rubs Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

For this cook I preheated the Big Green Egg to 225° and used 2 chunks of hickory wood and 2 chunks of apple wood.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

I placed the ribs inside and had an aluminum drip pan sitting on top of my ConvEGGtor to catch the drippings.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Leave the ribs alone for the first hour. After that check on them every hour and spritz with a mix of apple juice and apple cider.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Between 4 – 5 hours start checking the ribs to see if the meat has pulled back from the bone and they pass the "bend test".

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Now bump the temp to 275° and pour some BBQ sauce on the ribs. Using a brush apply evenly to the surface of the ribs. Let the sauced ribs cook in that higher temp for 10 minutes or so until the sauce sets.

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

It is time to slice these beauties and serve!

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Big Green Egg Baby Back Ribs

Total time

Recipe type: Main

Cuisine: BBQ

  • Baby Back Ribs
  • Yellow mustard
  • BBQ rub
  • 1 c apple juice
  • 1 c apple cider vinegar
  • Hot sauce
  • Worcestershire sauce
  1. Preheat your Big Green Egg to 225° using 3 - 4 chunks of smoking wood
  2. As the grill comes up to temp start prepping your ribs
  3. Pull the membrane off the bone side and trim excess fat and loose ends
  4. Put a small amount of yellow mustard on the front and back of the ribs and spread evenly to create a binder for your rub
  5. Apply the rub front and back until evenly coated
  6. Place the ribs in the Big Green Egg and leave alone for the first hour
  7. After that check on the ribs every hour and spray with a mix of apple juice, cider vinegar, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce
  8. After 3 hours bump the temp to 250°
  9. At the 4.5 hour mark check the ribs to see if the meat has pulled away from the bone and the ribs pass the "bend test" if so move on to next step and if not wait 30 minutes and check again
  10. At the 5 hour mark (or when your ribs pass the previous step) glaze with BBQ sauce and bump temp to 275°
  11. Let the ribs sit in the BIg Green Egg another 10 minutes until the sauce sets
  12. Pukl, slice and enjoy!



Source: https://thebbqbuddha.com/big-green-egg-baby-back-ribs/

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