Easy Butt Exercises Putting Ankles on Bed

Can I talk about myself for a minute? Cool. I. Love. Bed. It's the best place to procrastinate being a real human while I scroll endlessly on my phone, allowing the blue light to gently eliminates any remaining melatonin from my brain.

The only problem is that I often spend most of my lying in bed time stressing about how I should be getting up to squeeze in a workout before the day gets going. What a waste of precious quality time with my duvet?

So I've decided that there is a way to multi-task my way out of this embarrassingly first-world problem—and that way is bed workouts.

You might be out here like, "but doesn't that get sweaty?" or "how does that even qualify as a workout?" Completely valid questions, but to these I say, "probably" and "anything is a workout if you want it to be."

If you're still with me, thanks for making me feel seen. These exercises below will help you get some solid movement in while staying (mostly) horizontal. And there's really nothing wrong with that at all. Ready? Let's lie.

1. Marching Hip Raises



Lie on your back with your knees bent, heels near your butt, and arms along your sides with palms facing down. Press into your heels as you lift your hips up so your body forms a line between your knees and shoulders. Without extending your leg, squeeze your butt as you lift your right foot up off the bed and bring your right knee directly over your right hip. Place your right foot back on the bed and repeat on the left side. That's one rep. Continue to alternate.

Where you'll feel it: Your butt, abs, and thighs.

2. Side Plank With Twist

Human leg, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Joint, Waist, Sportswear, Exercise, Knee, Physical fitness,

Lie on your right side and place your right forearm on the bed. Keeping your hips, shoulders, and feet stacked, brace your core as you lift your hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can. Stretch your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Without touching the bed, slowly lower your hips, then return to starting position. Keeping your core tight, twist from the waist as you bring your left arm down and underneath your body. Return to starting position to complete one rep. Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. (To make this move slightly easier, stagger your feet or place your top foot on the bed in front of you.)

Where you'll feel it: Your abs, obliques, and triceps.

3. Leg Lift With Knee In



Lie on your right side with your right knee bent and foot behind you. Prop your head up with your right hand and place your left hand on your left hip. Point your left toes and extend your left leg to form a straight line with your body. Keeping your hips stacked, lift your left leg straight up toward the ceiling, then bend the knee and bring it in toward your core. Extend the leg back up toward the ceiling, then lower it with control to return to starting position. That's one rep. Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

Where you'll feel it: Your abs, butt, and outer thighs.

4. Diamond Reverse Crunches



Lie on your back with your arms along your sides, palms facing down. Bring your feet together and open your knees out to the sides so the space between your legs resembles a diamond. Press into your palms and brace your core as you raise your feet up over your hips. From this position, lift your hips up off the bed to drive your feet straight up toward the ceiling. With control, bring your hips back to the bed. (Don't drop your feet.) That's one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your lower abs and thighs.

5. Jack Splits



Lie on your back on the bed with your thumbs interlocked, arms and legs outstretched, and feet together. Brace your core as you lift your arms and feet off the bed, keeping knees and elbows locked. Exhale as you lift your legs up and out to form a V, and lift your entire upper body off the bed. As you come up, swing your hands straight forward through the V. With control and without touching the bed, release your arms and legs, and lower back to starting position. That's one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your upper and lower abs, chest, and quads.

6. Scissor Legs


Andrew Lyman-Clarke

Lie on your back with your hands underneath your hips and your palms facing down. Bring both feet straight up into the air and point your toes. Keeping both legs as straight as possible, engage your core as you lower your right leg down toward the bed with control. Without touching down, bring your leg back up to starting position. Then repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your lower abs and legs.

7. Dolphin Plank


Andrew Lyman-Clarke

Get into plank position with your forearms and palms on the bed, and your shoulders stacked over your elbows. Your body should form a straight line between your head and your heels. Keeping your core tight and legs straight, lift your hips straight up into the air. Pause, then release to starting position with control to complete one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your forearms, abs, and obliques.

8. Arabesque Leg Lifts

arabesque leg lifts


Get on your hands and knees with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, and your hips directly over your knees. Point your left toes, and extend and raise your left leg out to your left side. Bend your knee and bring the leg back in, then extend the leg straight out behind you. Bend the knee and bring it back to starting position to complete one rep. Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

Where you'll feel it: Your butt.

9. Around-the-World Abs


Start on your hands and knees, with your shoulders stacked above your wrists, hips above your knees, and toes tucked under. Balancing on your left palm and right knee, lift your left knee out to the side so your thigh is parallel to the bed. Keeping your ankle level with your knee, swing your knee forward as you tap it with your right hand. Then, swing your leg backward until your left ankle passes over your right leg on the bed. Simultaneously, reach your right arm back to tap your left heel. Continue alternating between left knee- and left heel-touches for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side for 30 seconds, this time swinging your right leg and touching with your left hand.

Where you'll feel it: Your abs, obliques, butt, and arms.

10. Arm Extension to Shoulder Tap


Luke Versalko

Start in a plank position with your wrists under your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line between the top of your head and your toes. Engage your abs and glutes as you extend your right arm straight out and hold it for one second. Then, use the right hand to tap your left shoulder. Repeat with your left arm and continue to alternate sides.

Where you'll feel it: Your core and arms.

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Source: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/how-to/a35234/exercises-you-can-do-without-getting-out-of-bed/

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